Other Programs

NM Marketplace

The EP Electric Marketplace is your go-to online resource for rebated products and services to help you manage your home.

Energy Wise Savings Program

El Paso Electric’s Energy Wise Savings Program allows our community and EPE to work together by using energy efficiently and reducing peak demand with the use of a smart thermostat.

Residential Lighting Program

As a New Mexico Residential customer, you can buy these LEDs at a discounted price.


Build a certified ENERGY STAR New Home.


Commercial metered account with an average monthly kW demand of greater than 100 within El Paso Electric Company’s New Mexico service territory.

Commercial Load Management

Commercial metered account with an average demand greater than 100 kW within El Paso Electric’s New Mexico service territory, which can safely and reliably curtail load.

Large Commercial Option

Large customers can opt for self-directed alternatives.

Custom Path

Custom path for commercial customers with an average monthly kW demand of 100 or lower demand.

Participation Made Easy.

El Paso Electric's programs provide rebates for New Mexico residential and commercial customers.