Energy Efficiency Programs for New Mexico HomeownersGet cash back when you make your home more energy efficient.

El Paso Electric provides rebates for New Mexico residential customers who make their homes more energy efficient. This can lower your electric bills and provide greater comfort. Take a look at the qualifying upgrades and start saving. All single and multifamily customers are eligible to participate.

Refrigerated Cooling

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an AHRI matched qualifying system, including heat pumps, in your home. First come, first served.

Cool Roofs

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing cool roofs.

Solar Screens

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing solar screens on your windows.


Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an ENERGY STAR windows.

Air Sealing

Receive a rebate from EPE for reducing the leakiness of your home.

Duct Sealing

Receive a rebate from EPE for reducing the leakiness of your duct system.


Receive a rebate from EPE for increasing the level of insulation in your home.

ENERGY STAR® Smart Thermostats

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an ENERGY STAR smart thermostats.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an eligible heater pump water heater in your home. First come, first served.


Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an ENERGY STAR pool pump.

Solar Attic Fans

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing solar attic fans.

Room Air Conditioners

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an eligible room air conditioner in your home. First come, first served.

Evaporative Cooling

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an eligible evaporative cooler in your home. First come, first served.

Induction Cooking

Induction Cooking

Receive a rebate from EPE for installing an eligible induction cooking in your home. First come, first served.

Participation Made Easy.

El Paso Electric's programs provide rebates for New Mexico residential and commercial customers.